Monday, July 9, 2012

Jack Support Concept

Now that I've removed the jack support bracing, I have a good idea of how to build a cheap strong internal mount for these jacks.

I had first considered buying a fiberglass panel and cutting it up and laminated them together.  The costs are high for that option.  The material is harder to work with, and it is heavy.

 I just removed the old backing, which was 2x8 lumber.  This was rotted out on the port side, and was cracked on the other.  It was not tough enough and IMHO a weak point in the design or at least material's selection.

Wood Reinforcing:  One problem was they would tend to split in one direction.   I want a stronger  wood and strength on two axis.  I had a piece of oak shelving, and my friend George just gave me a 10' section of identical wood.  The two of these together makes up eactly 1.5" and will fill the area nicely.  Laminating two boards together with glue will make it strong.  Also instead of counter sinking the nuts into the pumber I plan to let them stand proud and  exposed for any future maintenance access.

Aluminum Reinforcing:  A close inspection of the aluminum C channel revealed tha all four corners of the jack mount support area have cracks.  This is the other axis.  These are comprised of two 8' sections of aluminum.   I need to either remove these pieces and replace them, or else scab on a piece of Angle (L) aluminum on top of them.  That means drilling out the rivet on the curved trim on the outside.  I don't think it will be all that difficult.
 Dented Corners:  Several of my corners are bent, and not accessible from the inside of the camper.  So I've been mulling over how to fix these.  It seems best to drill out the rivets, fix or replace the pieces, and then re-install.  I am unsure how to put pressure on the back of rivets that are not exposed.

Riveting:  I have been watching YouTube videos of the different methods of riveting.  So I will need to order the appropriate size rivet and tools to install them.  I have blind rivets, but these can only be used in some places.

So the bottom line, is I will have to do some metal work. And I'm excited about the idea.  That will delay finishing off the jack mounts a bit.  I'll have to remove the curved corner trim to scope things out from the other side, and research materials, and rivet sizes to fix the jack mounting supports.

Coming up--a crazy idea or pure genius?

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